How do you explain something to a six year that you barely understand yourself? How do you get this little one to a place where they understand that the actions they take can affect others in a profound way? These are some of the semi-rhetorical questions that parents around the world are grappling with in the midst of this pandemic.

There are many resources out there to help in this time of need, you just need to look for them.

One of the ways I like to address issues with my little one is through the podcast But Why? A Podcast for Curious Minds. He loves to listen to each episode and gets excited when children his age pose questions. Somehow, because kids are asking the questions, this lends credibility to the show and the information presented. They recently posted a show on the corona virus and how soap works. I was not sure he was getting the information, but days after the podcast he shows more knowledge of how to behave in public than most adults. He wears a mask, keeps his distance and washes his hands more often than ever before (and without a fight!)

Doodles while listening to But Why? podcast

Another way that I have been helping him to understand is by taking him with me when I go to the grocery store. I know that is risky, but we take all the precautions (hand sanitizer, masks, social distancing, only touching what we intend to buy, etc. ). By letting him see the empty store shelves, he gets a better understanding of why we don’t have certain items now. When he asks why we need to be so careful, I remind him that we don’t want to get Papa sick by bringing the virus home with us. So, when we get home, I have him help me wipe down the car and then remind him to wash his hands. By being an active participant in keeping the virus at bay, he feels empowered instead of helpless.

Throughout this time of enforced isolation, I have been continually surprised by how much my son has been able to understand and then adapt to the situation. Tomorrow I will take some of our excess and drop it off at the local food bank. I want him to understand that we need to help the people of our community. Then, I think we will find some nice river rocks and paint some positive messages on them. He will love placing those around the neighborhood on our evening walk.