I have been unofficially homeschooling for over a decade, I just never realized it. My poor darlings never had a lazy, boring summer. Every week was a new adventure, with movies, travel and worksheets. Disneyland was never one of our destinations, we went to places like Yellowstone, Montezuma’s well and the Botanical Gardens; places with scientific or cultural significance. While my kids are now grown and starting their lives and careers, I have been blessed with something most people never get: A Second Chance.

Several years ago I fell into foster parenting. It was a hard job, but I was fortunate enough to fall in love with the most precious little boy. While I no longer foster, I was able to adopt this little angel and I have decided that the best education for him is at home.

I have taken my experience plus a vast amount of research and decided to do a hybrid Roadschool. My situation is such that I am not able to travel extensively right now, but we do go on many small road trips throughout the year that I use to supplement his homeschooling. Games and worksheets are fine, but I believe that there are some things that can only really be understood when you experience them first hand.

As an example, while driving back from New Mexico one windy day, I decided to take the opportunity to stop at the Petrified Forest National Park. Not only did my little angel get to see some really cool petroglyphs and petrified wood, but now he also understands what it is like to spend the day walking in 25-35 mph winds. Not being able to open the car door, having the wind carry away your words and learning about the leeward side of a boulder are phenomenon that need to be experienced in order to be fully understood.

While I wish that I could have officially homeschooled all my kids, I am certainly looking forward to this homeschool/roadschool journey that I have begun with my latest little guy. He is a great traveler and can hike for days. We will be sure to share all of our educational adventures here.