The Road is our Textbook

Using travel as a tool for education.


Welcome to my corner of the Internet; I am so pleased by your visit.

On these pages, I will be sharing with you the homeschooling journey that I will be taking with my son. There will be stories about our adventures, tips for traveling with little ones and ideas about incorporating travel into your homeschool lessons. The resources and experiences found on the road are endless and could never be recreated in a school setting. The lessons learned are also ones that will stick with your child longer, because they naturally incorporate multiple learning styles as well as all your senses. Geography is much more fun when you “collect” states and understanding the differences between the North and the South becomes very apparent when you actually spend time in each region.

I hope you find inspiration and encouragement from my weekly posts. Please, come back often and share with others. We are only as strong as our connections.

New Mexico, Homeschool
Collecting New Mexico